Aurak Draconian - Aurak are rare Draconians who prefer to use magic over physical fighting.Draconians tend to be more loyal soldiers than goblins or ogres and mercenaries in general and there are various types of draconians, each with a special ability. Takhisis and her dragon highlords used Draconians as troops against the heroes of the lance during the series. On the other hand they are taught to revere dragons. This insures that only the strongest survived and their hatred of humanity: by the the time they were ready to join the dragon armies they have little regard for human life.

They are forced to fight for the scraps of leftover foods that their human caretakers throw to them. From birth Draconians are taught that the world in which they are born into is cruel and that humans are most of all. These rituals were carried out by Dracart, a wizard of the Black Robes, Wyrllish, a priest of Takhisis, and Harkiel, a dark-hearted red dragon. They were created by the dragon goddess Takhisis( an alternate version of Tiamat), as her personal army of minions, by corrupting the eggs of good aligned dragons using dark magic called the corruption ritual. Draconians are a race of humanoid dragons from the book series Dragonlance, based on Dungeons & Dragons.